Increase potency in men

To increase potency in men, you need to start to understand the reasons for the weakening of erection, and then choose the treatment methods most suitable in a particular situation. Both factors are interrelated. The weakness of the power, as a general rule, is the result of age-related changes in the body, characteristics of life and the presence of some of the anomalies.


The selection of drugs that can stimulate the men's sexual activity should be based on each of the reasons. Only in this way can ensure the relevance and the effectiveness of the therapy restorative.

In modern pharmacology is a wide range of products, able to increase the potency. There are many types of tablets, ointments, gels and creams that contain active supplements, specifically oriented to the improvement of erectile function. Not far away, in this sense, and folk medicine. From their arsenals, it is possible to extract many healing recipes, with roots, seeds, herbs and other products useful to man.

The causes of the weakening of erection

The most common causes of problems with men in the sexual sphere, can be attributed, primarily, their state of health, lifestyle and age. In the first place is the health. In the end, it is reflected:

  • The presence of habits that are harmful;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Stressful situation;
  • The age;
  • Sexual experience, particularly failures relating to both their own lack of confidence and disregard of the partner.

Bad habits are directly related to the impairment of the power. The use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, with time, undermine the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system, which impairs blood flow and the hormonal regulation of the functions of the genital organs.

Lack of exercise leads to stagnation of venous blood in the lower part of the body including in the pelvic area. It slows down metabolism, leads to obesity, decreased testosterone levels, a gradual substitution of androgenic hormones female estrogen and loss of libido.

In healthy, well-rested person has problems in bed are rare.

The stress of having to make the man a depressing effect. In a situation in which you had to mobilize all their physical and mental energy for the successful development of the sexual act, he can not only concentrate on the sex. It is constantly distracting a little more urgent and less pleasant thoughts.

Age inhibits sexual activity in a natural way. Approximately 40 years in men decreases the synthesis of testosterone responsible for the proper functioning of the reproductive system. In older men this hormone is present in the body in minute doses. Therefore, the impotence.

Sexual experience is closely related to psychology. Good luck on the sex drive of the confidence and good potency, the frequent accidents, on the contrary, it is difficult to tolerate the men and forced to abstain even from the desirable sexual intercourse. The situation could worsen the attitude hostile of the partners to the other.


Taking into account all these factors and selection of tools, complex normalizes the activity of the sexual sphere in all aspects. As mentioned above, these include:

  • Pharmacological drugs;
  • Contact with the agents to improve the erection;
  • The use of methods of alternative medicine.
  • TOP drugs pharmacological group.

The most popular and effective nowadays are almost five biochemical activators power.

Characteristics of drugs

Given the biological activity of the drugs and the presence of contraindications for them, and to apply these funds should only by prescription or appropriate consultations with them. Sufficient reason for the stimulation of the sexual sphere, can be:

  • Bad erection;
  • Fast ejaculation;
  • Consequences of prostatitis or benign prostatic hyperplasia.

All the drugs in the same expand the blood vessels and increase the blood flow to the penis, causing an erection. Some tablets even increase sensual experience. But you need to remember that even in the most expensive and effective in the reduction of the libido drugs there are no properties that enhance sexual desire towards the partner. The psychological factor beyond its control. The medication helps to increase the power of physics associated to the tension of the penis.

Using one or the other drug, must be taken into account that the effective action is short. Specific time depends on the health of men. On average, from 2 to 4 hours.

Pharmacological Agents of this type are not used for the complete elimination of erectile dysfunction. The impact is not the cause of the disease, and its result, as, in fact, a kind of emergency assistance with a difficult sexual relationship.

Contact with the agents

Well activate the libido pharmacological agents, dissolved into gels, creams and ointments. This is the most secure means of all, the reduction of the power. Its influence at the local level. Apply directly on the penis and adjacent region of the body, enhancing the flow of blood, increasing the level of testosterone in the testicles, extending the sexual intercourse.

Contraindications contact no drugs virtually no.

The lack of direct contact with the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and the blood, removes dyspepsia and the load on the cardiovascular system. It can accumulate in the body, these substances, also, may not, therefore, to not overload the work nor the kidneys, nor the liver.


Alternative medicine

To stimulate the libido, especially in the elderly, traditional methods that involve the use of drugs, products and formulations, including various herbs and the roots of the plants. Effective remedy is also a local massage to increase the potency. Through massage, the same Masturbation is the tension of the penis sufficient for sexual intercourse.

Most useful popular drugs of power are:

  • Ginger root, infused with alcohol or brewed in tea;
  • Parsley and nettle leaves used in salads or in the form of aqueous infusion;
  • Grass Ivan-tea;
  • Herbal teas, honey and other bee components;
  • Peanuts, tree nuts;
  • Grass bittercress and St. John's wort.


None of the pharmacological agents that are presented in this article existing in nature in General, is not a panacea for the weak power. Help quickly, but not for a long time. Long-lasting effect can be achieved only in the eradication of the main causes of the disease. With the elderly people to get a little more difficult, as obstacles in this case are age and chronic diseases, are not fully curable.

In folk medicine, the situation is the same. The advantage of non-traditional methods is just its natural nature, in harmony with the human physiology. Herbs and other plant attributes used in the complex, pass the male body amino acids, vitamins and trace elements necessary to restore the sexual function and maintain it at the proper level.