Exercises of power in men: proven

The most significant influence on the sexual power and its safety affects the lives of men. And not in the last place in this year. Exercises help to prevent many health problems, enhance mental strength, improve self-esteem, allow you to be more alert, improve mood. Exercises of power need, no doubt, to include in the training plan for the prevention, and in order to solve the problem of the intimate if this already exists.

The strap

Physical exercises to increase the power - when we think?

At the moment the majority of men faced with a fiasco in sex, it happens with all young people, boys, and those who have reached Mature age. One-off events - there is no reason to speak of the impotence. The reasons for failure can be many: anxiety, stress, physical fatigue, General malaise, a newly born disease, bad environment. But if this unpleasant situation is repeated at least a quarter of the cases, it is time to change something in your life. That is to say, in their own way.

Another alarming sign of excess weight. More often in men body fat have abdominal type. That is not fat under the skin and inside the abdominal cavity. With its arrays of pressure on the internal organs, shift them, constrict the blood circulation and the normal functioning of the liver, stomach, intestines, etc. This type of obesity is popularly known as "beer belly".

Fat cells produce estrogen which is a female hormone and its excess in the body of the man shifts the hormonal balance, the level of testosterone falls, and with it, the reduction of the libido and the potency. In addition, the excess body mass gives a burden unreasonable about the heart, the joints, the blood vessels, the lungs, it causes hypertension, diabetes, varicose veins, stroke, heart attack, arthritis and many other diseases, each of which can be combined with a good power.

It's fun! Special attention to exercises designed to increase the power need to pay men who turned forty years abroad. As a show of anonymous surveys, in this age half of the respondents experiencing these or other difficulties associated with sexual intercourse, thirty years among these problems are explained by 27% of respondents and 21% is formed by a group of men from 21 to 30 years.

Looking at these figures, we can safely say that the earlier in the daily routine will include exercises for the potency, the less men likely to be in the same unpleasant situation that is detrimental to the self.


What physical exercises to increase the power?

Any exercises have a positive effect on the power due to:

  1. Increase men's levels of testosterone – the male hormone that is synthesized in the adrenal cortex and the testes. During the muscle load and then the loads of food the body actively produces and throws into the blood.
  2. Relieve the tension of the muscles and the spine. The Modern lifestyle is mostly sedentary (well, foot, if it is working for the machine, auxiliary sales, security guard, etc.): at work, driving, at home, on the computer the person is in almost static for several hours in a row. The body of this state of things is natural, the Muscles to be rigid, made of wood, the spine loses flexibility can produce pinched nerves, deposited salt. The Regular exercise to avoid this sort of violations.
  3. The acceleration of lymph. If the blood is racing of heart, the lymph of this type of engine is missing. The stagnation leads to the inflammation of the tissues that interferes with good erections.
  4. The improvement of the psychological condition. The best thing to do after a nervous day – good job. Exercise to "burn" the adrenaline and raise the level of serotonin, and with it the mood.
  5. Increase the circulation of the blood. Vigorous exercise will cause the heart to work faster and the lungs to push more air, which in General is to offer a better flow of blood and oxygen to the penis.

Special exercises to increase potency

But in addition to General workouts you must do special exercises to increase potency. Affecting mainly in the lower part of the body: legs, hips, buttocks, crotch, lower back. Increase the blood circulation in the pelvis, these exercises contribute to the quality of the erection.

Performance of any of the complex should begin with a warm-up. Rotation of the head, hands, pelvis, squatting, bending will be the work of the joints, get your blood flowing and warm the muscles. Only 5-7 minutes these lessons will protect the men from injury when performing more difficult exercises.

Home exercises

  1. Squats. Feet shoulder width, feet, toes forward. Slowly sit back until your knees form a flat angle of 90°. The pelvis takes slightly back, as if the man sat down in the chair. Then, slowly, you need to pull-up and at its highest point to compress the muscles of the buttocks and the perineum.
  2. Yoga
  3. -The middle of the bridge. Lie flat on your back, legs bent, with emphasis feet on the ground (for the advanced – you can put them to the dais from the edge of the sofa, chair, stack of books). Not taking away the support of the shoulder and the foot to raise your pelvis as possible and lower.
  4. The breeding of the knees. Lying on your back, bend your legs and throw their waste as possible in the buttocks. The hands on the knees. Exhaling, the knees need to be able to reproduce, but at this time that interfere with each other to exert pressure in the opposite direction.
  5. The fractures. Lying on your back, arms stretched along the body, or to the sides, raise the legs straight exhale and bring the toes towards the head, without bending your knees. The pelvis off of the floor. Each time that one has to try to make more progress in this exercise.
  6. Gluteal touch. Standing on all fours, hands shoulder width apart, hands with fingers forward, the toes are extended, the lift touches the ground, exhale to initiate the movement of the pelvis to the back until the buttocks are flat on the legs.

You can start with 5-7 times each exercise, slowly bring up to 20-30 times for 4-5 sets. They need to be carried out smoothly, without jerks, at a pace that is comfortable, not allowing the pain. When the body adapts, you can gradually add weight.

Yoga: the strengthening of the power based on the ancient teachings

There is a perception that yoga is for women, and real men have no use. In fact, for men need yoga even more. Regular performance of asanas will allow us to study not only large, but small, deep muscles that are difficult to load regular exercises.

In addition, the ancient teachings involve not only the physical body, but also increases the vital energy, clarity of thought, and relieves stress. Literally, in 10 minutes of practice a day to improve the potency is not much time to wait.

PC muscles: exercises for beginners

A special role in the long power assigned to the PC muscle , or the general public-coccygeal. Among women very popular year Pin, which allows you to keep the perineum toned, but few people know that there is a male version of the workout. Find a muscle is very simple, just put your fingers in the space between the anus and the beginning of the growth of the scrotum.

Sitting in the chair need to squeeze the muscle Size, as if plunging inside. If done correctly you should see the feeling that the pelvis is elevated. The thighs, stomach and buttocks should be relaxed and not to participate in the exercise.

Side table

The tension has alternative with complete relaxation of the PC muscle. You can start with 10-15 exercises, each of which includes 3 seconds of tension and 3 – relaxation. Then the number of exercises that can gently increase. Run it every day, no more than 10 minutes.

Exercises that increase the power of laziness

If you do not have the strength to force you to perform the exercises, you will have to come to the aid of the complex, which can be done without leaving the bed. To make it better in the morning, when a member is in "good" condition.

  1. You should bring him to sit down with the help of muscle work. During the week the number of "jumps" has every day on the increase, but without fanaticism. Exercises should not cause pain, burning.
  2. When the number of running exercises will reach 30, you need to not only increase the penis, but also to maintain it in this position for 1-3 seconds.
  3. Having mastered this technique and increase in performance up to 40-50 times you can add weight, for example, cover member of the cowards or a small towel and try to do the lifts with hanging the maximum number of times.