Products to improve the power rating for men

Decrease of erection and libido, it is important to review the diet. You should make the menu, so that was useful products for the power. Many varieties of fish, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, honey and nuts have a positive effect on men's willingness and opportunities.

Products that increase the potency – what are the most useful: TOP 20

products for the power

A proper diet is one of the stable conditions of the sexual function. In ancient times women knew what is served for dinner from the woman to the wild and steamy night.

Medieval men had their own recipes that help them to be at the top when meeting with another lady. Modern studies have confirmed the effectiveness of food for sexual competition.

That has a positive effect on the circulation of the blood?

The mechanism of the erection is the saturation cavernous bodies of the penis with blood. This process has been continuous, that has to carefully monitor the state of the circulatory system.

There are a number of foods that contribute to the improvement of the blood vessels and the heart, as well as bringing the normal circulation of the blood in the genitals.


The prominent place among the products to improve the capacities of men is nuts. The pods contain substances that are necessary for the full activity of the reproductive system.

Important advantage – the presence of arginine, an amino acid that promotes the production of nitric oxide. Thanks to him, always filling with the blood penis and an erection.

Medical experts recommend mixing a few varieties of nuts – walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts and eat them with honey. To increase the therapeutic effect is achieved if there is a raw kernel, without prior roasting. Meat and fish dishes it is also recommended to cook with nuts.

The highest yield of the different pine nuts. Not only improve the ability to achieve an erection, but also improve health in General.


Foods that increase the potency, it is necessary to consider a Mother. For many, this drink is not too known, but it was far superior to the milk of other animals.

The use of the Mother's milk allows you to:

  • To strengthen the heart and the vascular system;
  • To improve the blood;
  • To stabilize the metabolism;
  • To improve the state of health;
  • To increase the protective properties of the organism;
  • To prevent the aging process.

You should drink 1 glass of Mother's milk within an hour and a half after Breakfast. During the exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system of the therapy has to be solved.

Bee products

Honey and pollen are among the products of the bees that provide a flow of blood to the penis. Also, their use allows to increase the production of testosterone and facilitating the male body with proteins needed to maintain a high level of sexual activity.

Honey can be used both in pure form, replacing them with the sugar and the jam and mix it with nuts or dried fruits. The use of this mixture helps to strengthen the sexual function.


In the presence of cancer and graves ' disease should consult a doctor before adding bee products to your permanent diet, it's important.

The watermelon

About the positive impact of fruits and vegetables on the condition of the circulatory system is also known many.

The Regular consumption of striped berries offers:

  • The expansion of the lumen the vascular, which is necessary for a powerful erection;
  • Prevention of malignant tumors of the prostate;
  • The activation of the amino acid compounds;
  • The prevention of age-related impotence.


A positive effect on the functioning of the erectile function is different and pomegranate juice. The daily consumption of the beverage in an amount of 200 ml helps to significantly improve the sexual function.

The basic properties of garnet:

  • The increase of the gaps in the arteries;
  • The normalization of the blood flow in the penis;
  • Strengthening of vascular walls;
  • The slow the aging process;
  • The improvement of the condition of the nervous system;
  • The prevention of cancer.

Foods to increase testosterone and improve libido

Sexual attraction is responsible for normal testosterone levels in the body. Its decline is due to several factors, hormonal imbalance, illness, age-related changes.

When there isn't enough hormone can begin to eat foods that help to improve their synthesis.


In the first places of the classifications, which includes products for potency in men, you can find oysters. Its unique composition allows:

  • To improve the production of sex hormones;
  • To intensify the erection;
  • To stimulate the libido;
  • To increase the volume of semen produced.

Effect of oysters on testosterone is guaranteed by the presence of large amounts of zinc and other valuable amino acids. The most useful seafood caught in the spring, when the molluscs to thrive.

For therapeutic purposes, have been eating the creatures of the sea raw with lemon juice. However, a useful product, there is a drawback – an increase in the content of mercury, which should not eat oysters every day.



Garden plant that is rarely used in the kitchen, it is very useful to increase the potency. With turnip aktiviziruyutsya the production of sex hormones, the body is saturated with the necessary nutrients, improving overall health.

We recommend brewing the seeds of the vegetables or boil them and add as a garnish to roast meat.

To improve the power you can resort to one of the 2 recipes:

  • Grate the same amount of boiled turnip and carrot raw. Mix and season with a teaspoon of honey. Take 70 grams per day;
  • The root boiled in 500 ml of milk, chop and mix with the obtained broth. Add 100 g of honey. The daily rate of 1 Cup. Has been divided into 4 admission.

Since turnips have to give men suffering with:

  • Hepatitis;
  • Diseases of the Central nervous system;
  • Inflammation of the intestinal tract;
  • Cholecystitis.


The beans contain significant amounts of zinc, vegetable protein and dietary fiber. An element a skill is a necessary component to start the production of the testosterone. The presence of protein and low in fat allows you to enter the beans in the menu, even for men who have excess weight.

It is recommended to use this kind of great in stews or boiled. If necessary, you can substitute canned beans, that contains the necessary nutrients (you can read about it in the jar).


According to a research conducted in Texas, testosterone is made from cholesterol. Consequently, men must consume products with high content.

Chicken and quail eggs are the best source of this substance, which is contained in pure form. In consequence, the Breakfast of 3-4 eggs provides the body with sufficient for the active synthesis of sex hormones amount of cholesterol. To improve the therapeutic effect of the scrambled eggs should be prepared in olive oil, with a taste of onion.

Lean meat

Lean meat has a positive effect on the level of sex hormones male. Meat contains proteins and zinc are key substances for the stabilization of testosterone levels, in addition to the use of the product that provides the body with building material for the construction of muscle.

Useful 2-3 times a week to cook the beef steak on the grill. Meat is effective in men's health, if it is broiled, baked or boiled.

Products, contribute to normal mental and emotional background

Violation of erectile function is often associated with nervous stress, stress, depression, mental fatigue.

Before resorting to medications with a sedative effect, they should review the daily menu to include foods to increase the power, the ability to normalize the psycho-emotional background. Its systematic consumption allows you to deal with psychological difficulties without drugs.

Dark chocolate

The chocolate is a known aphrodisiac that has the ability to improve the mood and enhance the feeling of love. Composed of black tiles contain antioxidants, alkaloid theobromine and phenylethylamine compound that provides a positive effect on the human psyche.


For the curative effect in the power and the mood need to eat 2-3 squares a day, an excess of product has a negative impact on health. It is important to choose chocolate that contains at least 65% cocoa. Filler valid only nuts.

From this should be abandoned by men with hypertension, diseases of the pancreas and the liver.


The most famous fruit-antidepressants — bananas. They contain:

  • The alkaloid Harman – a substance that causes a feeling of euphoria;
  • Vitamin B6 is a component which improves the mood;
  • Tryptophan is an amino acid contribute to the development of the hormone of happiness. In its pure form is used for the treatment of anxiety and depressive syndromes;
  • Potassium – eliminates fatigue and stress, strengthens the heart muscle.

It is necessary to eat fruit every day, especially the men, whose professional activity is connected with constant physical or emotional overload.


Oatmeal, which is useful for the potency due to the presence of zinc and L-arginine also has a positive effect on the psychological state. A similar result is achieved due to the content in the cereal substances promoting the synthesis of the hormone of happiness.

In addition, important properties of the oatmeal – lower sugar levels in the blood, in excess, which negatively affects the mood. Porridge of Hercules should eat in the morning, pour with boiling water, a couple of handfuls of cereal. To improve the taste of what you can add to a dish of fresh or dried fruits, honey, natural yoghurt.


There are the big ones in the Top, that includes a useful for potency of products. The healing properties of grain are carbohydrates complex that increase the production of serotonin, and folic acid, the lack of which causes depression and the depression.

Lentils also provide the body with iron and regulates the level of glucose, which is important for General good health. For cooking lentils should be soaked in water for a few hours, and then add it to the soup or cook porridge.

Fatty fish

In recent studies it has been shown that reduced emotional background of a deficit of omega-3 fatty acids. Without to spoil them, not only the mind, but also mental activity.

The greater number of nutrients contained in fish oil and fatty fish. Enough to consume meals 2-3 times a week in order to ensure a constant positive attitude that is necessary for a good power.

Products, to instantly increase the power

It happens that it is necessary to increase the power as quickly as possible. The pharmaceutical market offers a number of related drugs with the funds of the ambulance.

However, not all men are willing to take synthesized artificially the pills. In this case, help products to instantly increase the power.


Onion effective for a rapid increase of power due to the following properties:

  • Increase the blood circulation to the genitals, which contributes to the erection;
  • The increase of the susceptibility of the nerve endings of the penis;
  • Stimulates the synthesis of testosterone.

The vehicle "ambulance" – scrambled eggs with lots of onions. This dish has to eat shortly before intimacy, in advance take care of the atmosphere of the air. To prepare you need:

  • Chop 2 medium onions and fry in high heat until brown;
  • To break the pot, 3 eggs, and add the olive oil;
  • Add the tomato slices;
  • Fry until it is cooked.

Camel stomach

Natural alternative medicine helps in the short term to achieve a sustained erection without additional load on the body. The only disadvantage of drinking camel stomach difficult to acquire.

The first use of this product was to open the Eastern nomadic peoples. Men who regularly eat this product extended his life and improved sexual and reproductive function. Through the stomach of the camel nomads often became parents after 50 years.

For instant power half hour before the sexual relationship, you should eat a very small amount of dried stomach enough to swallow the piece, with 3-5 g. It is also possible to prepare alcohol tincture sexual that influence the feasibility, and to drink shortly before the intimacy.


  • 100 g of the dried product poured into 500 ml of vodka of good quality;
  • Insist 2 weeks in a cool place and dark.


The api is the responsible for the production of testosterone, and refers to products that stimulate arousal. Meals with plenty of vegetables, an hour later, give a man strong sexual desire. Increases erection, increases the duration of the sexual act, the orgasm is filled with new colors.

Additional benefits of celery – a positive impact on fertility. A plant refers to products that increase the quantity and quality of seminal fluid. The Regular consumption of foods improvement of the activity and the vitality of the sperm, which contributes to the conception.

Properly balanced diet helps men to maintain a high level of potency to a ripe old age and to fight against the first signs of disorders of sexual function. In severe impotence without drugs can not do, but of natural products and in this case useful – thanks to them, the therapy process is accelerated.