Plants to increase the power of the 10 most effective

When the choice of folk remedies that have a positive impact on erectile function, the first come to mind are plants and herbs. To increase potency in men have invented many recipes with herbal ingredients. The result depends on the selected ingredients and the correct cooking. Many supplements, the essence of which is to raise an erection, affect the male body, through herbs and other natural ingredients, such as:

  • Ginseng
  • Fireweed
  • Ginseng siberian
  • Hawthorn
  • Air
  • Parsley
  • Nettle
  • Lemongrass
  • St. John's wort
  • Thyme


In itself, the plant has a wide application in medicine, folk (mainly in China and other Eastern countries). To increase the potency most often used to ginseng. This contains a number of bioactive substances that are necessary for the correct stimulation of the sexual activity.

The most common method of use of ginseng is the kitchen of its root in alcohol tincture. Even the rulers of the age old use of this natural remedy to allow a lot of time to satisfy their women.

Preparation of dyeing involves the use 50-70 g of different raw materials. It is poured 200-300 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol. Then the boat is very closed, kept in a dark, dry place for 2-3 weeks. After this period, you need to shake the liquid, after which it is ready to use. It is necessary the use of 10-15 drops once a day for 1-2 months.

Many men are resistant to the increase of the power of adding the infusion ginseng coffee or tea.

The main effects of the plant on the male body:

  • Stabilization of the erection.
  • The increase of the libido.
  • Improvement of pleasurable sensations during sex.
  • A General increase in power.

Thanks to all of the above features ginseng is the best plant for the standardization of the quality of the sexual activity of men.

Buy the dried root or tincture can be prepared in a pharmacy that allows you to easily achieve the desired result at an affordable price.



Talk about the herbs that increase the power, be sure to remember the fireweed or willow-herb. The plant, which has a wide range of positive effects, which are particularly prized by traditional healers.


  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Analgesic.
  • The reduction of the edema.
  • The normalization of the microcirculation.
  • The blood thinners.
  • Stabilization of the metabolism.

With regard to the sexual function of the man, in this case, the most important thing is to improve the properties of the blood with the increase of the circulation of the blood in the organs of small pelvis and penis. As a result, the patient was noted more frequent and persistent erections.

It is easier to cook with the leaves of fireweed tea. Regular consumption of this drink contributes to a significant increase potency in men.

But this plant increases potency is not over, the men who want to improve their sexual performance is much more interesting!

Ginseng siberian

Natural libido stimulant — eleuthero. Its efficiency is in large part a reminiscence of ginseng, providing a similar effect. Regular consumption of drugs of ginseng Siberian help to stimulate erections.

The most important components of the plants, which are responsible for the normalization of the sexual function are vitamins, minerals and other bioactive substances in its composition.

To prepare truly effective infusion of herbs to increase potency in men, it is better to use a specific base of plants. It is important to build more efficient plants.

Justified is a complete application:

  • ginseng;
  • Ginseng siberian;
  • hawthorn.

This "bouquet" that contributes to a good increase in the potency in men of any age. Use the infusion or decoction of these plants must be regularly for at least 1-2 months. At the beginning of the wait for the result is not worth it.



Specified, slightly above the herbs to enhance the potency contains plants such as the hawthorn, which is also famous for its powerful aphrodisiac properties.

Especially useful for men who currently suffer from abnormal fluctuations in the blood pressure. Hawthorn helps blood thinners, the tonus fibres smooth muscle in the blood vessels. As a result, there has been the normalization of the circulation of the blood in the organs pelvic.

The main positive effects emerging from the regular use of hawthorn are:

  • stabilization of the erection;
  • the extension of the sexual relations;
  • the improvement of the functional activity of the prostate with a reduction of the inflammation of the gland in the presence of inflammation.

Hawthorn is necessarily registered in the list, which had medicinal herbs for the potency and prolong sexual intercourse.


A rapid increase in the power is possible with the use of this type of medicinal plants as the air. For stimulation of sexual function is mainly used from the root.

Refers to a particularly potent natural substances, so that the taking of medications and on the basis of calamus must be agreed with the doctor.

The most simple and effective method for the use of the root of this medicinal product to increase the power is to simply boil a spoonful of raw materials Cup of boiling water.

You can also prepare a tincture of calamus root, for this reason:

  • 100 g of root dry pour 500 ml of vodka.
  • Stop investing in a dark place for months.
  • The filter of the media.
  • Use 50-100 drops directly before intercourse.

For this simple, but effective popular drugs thousands of men around the world managed to increase the potency.


Often the men are wondering are there any herbs for instant male enhancement? No, this is not the case. Especially if we talk about the development effect within half an hour. Medicinal plants and different from modern medication, which can ensure the start of an erection in a very short period of time that they work relatively slowly.

Often, to achieve a result most suitable in the insulation is necessary to use a specific type of grass for one or two months. A good example is the usual parsley.

Many have heard about the positive impact it has on the male body. Increased power is achieved at the expense of minerals, vitamins, tannins and esters included in the composition.

To get the good result that only tend to use parsley for cooking culinary dishes.



Useful for potency herbs have to include in their list of all known nettle. It is a product versatile that it has found its wide use in medicine folk.

The nettle is difficult to name a specific stimulator of the sexual activity however it can significantly improve the effectiveness of other medications.

The main positive effects are:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • The reduction of the edema.
  • The normalization of the microcirculation.

The list of features the effects of the nettle is similar to other herbs, that causes that the same principle of its use to achieve the good end result.


Natural stimulant for sexual activity, which has a General tonic effect on the entire human body - lemongrass. Your want to use for the rehabilitation of patients after stress or depression because of the good impact on the nervous system.

This is a shot of the ganache makes it so popular in the correction of sexual activity.

Bioactive substances which enter into the composition of plants, contribute to:

  • To improve the conduct nerve impulses from the penis to the brain.
  • The normalization of the microcirculation.
  • The increase of resistance to stress.
  • The normalization of the General condition of the body.

This enables us to use an alcohol tincture or aqueous decoctions of lemongrass on a regular basis with the achievement of a good end result in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

St. John's wort

The grass that is consumed to normalize the potency is only in combination with other similar herbs of Sant Joan. By itself it has little effect on sexual activity, but significantly increases the effectiveness of other media.

It is better to prepare teas, infusions and decoctions of various medicinal plants. The first results should be expected, not before a month. Be prepared for a good course of therapy.

In General, however, St. John's wort will help a man:

  • to normalize the central nervous system;
  • a little bit to increase the levels of testosterone;
  • to improve the functioning of the vascular system.


Grass that exhibits a complex effect on the whole body - thyme. The emphasis with an increase of power done in spermatogenesis. The thyme a lot of zinc, which is one of the main components used by the organism for the synthesis of gametes.

In consequence, the more, the better. Therefore, many doctors recommend taking decoction of thyme on a regular basis. This will contribute to the improvement of the quality and quantity of sperm.

Evident is the fact that herbs increases the potency, has a variety of representatives. Its use is justified in the treatment of the problem. On their own they will be able to have an effect only when a low degree of severity of the disease.

Wild thyme is the easiest way to prepare a decoction for the improvement of the erection:

  • pour boiling water (350-400 ml) of 20 g of dry raw material;
  • leave to rest for 1.5-2 hours;
  • drainage.

You must have at least 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals, to 50-75 mg. For two to three weeks. In addition, it is advisable to do a month of rest time.