How to restore the potency of men: effective ways to restore

Sexual power, unfortunately, is not an inalienable gift of nature. The young men often make dismissive attitude of his body. The possibility of sexual intercourse is primarily for the care and rational care of the physical condition. The same says "the sled, it is necessary to prepare in the summer" becomes an axiom in the maintenance of a stable and functional of the erection to old age. How to restore your potency? Take a closer look.

How to restore the power

The stress impact of failure, of not achieving the objectives, problems in the family cause the body significant damage. A functional erection this is to remember – it works as a sensor of the balance of all the processes in the body. Therefore, any disorder of the complex mechanism of the male body it can affect potency.

Stress same men perceived as far-fetched women whim, to cry or not to wash the dishes. In fact, this is an important signal of the need to take emergency measures: from rest and relaxation with the change of environment in the first place, to medical treatment in the advanced stage.

To dispel the mythical component of opinions about stress, it is enough to learn about its influence on the sympatho-adrenal system. When a negative surge of emotions in the blood are of adrenaline, and norepinephrine, but without the stabilizers of the hormone dopamine, which, among other things, a man is obliged by a sense of enjoyment.

What causes affect the decrease of sexual function

Stress is not a disease, and one of the reactions to acute experience. Thus, a parachute jump or sexual games which also involve the symptoms, without the happy hormone, the body of a man receives only the effects of the adrenaline group, and this is the output of blood from the periphery, located in the region of the heart and brain, spasm of the blood vessels.

We need only recall as the dependent of a full erection for a good filling of the penis with blood to see the relationship between sluggish power and negative emotions. By the way, for the same reason, the abuse of alcohol and tobacco leads to lethargy of the penis. Any infringement of the blood supply involves physical ailment men sexually transmitted diseases.

Diseases that affect the potency of men

Often the reason for the loss of the sexual power in men, there may be a variety of diseases and pathological processes, which may not be associated with the reproductive system, but since the body is a single device, in its indirect effect:

  • this is not for You;
  • heart and vascular disease;
  • the metabolic disorders;
  • the interruption in the hormonal background;
  • venous diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • neurological disease.

Every disease in this list, and especially several at the same time, can be a cause of erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. Bad habits, a regimen of rest, psychological and physical, intense exercise, conflict, and lack of understanding with a partner to complete the list of impotence precipitating factors.

The psychological side of the problem

It is impossible to consider the stress only in the short-term deterioration in the physiological. The accumulation of its derivatives, finally leads to emotional exhaustion men with consequences in the form of a reduction of the libido, the dysfunction of ejaculation and even complete loss of the erection.

The subtlety of the treatment of psychological problems of the recovery of potency consists in the fact that the man is very sensitive perceives the weakening of the libido. In the initial phase, when the symptoms of sexual dysfunction is not clear, many people prefer to hide the problem, find excuses and worrying fears alone.

The important role of women

Important assistance at this stage can have a close woman, if the time of noticing the emotional distress of the couple. Contest participation, support not to aggravate the condition, and the subtle change of diet in favor of healthy eating, or the production of a prescription drug to improve the circulation of blood, can return to the rut of poor health of a loved one. It is not necessary to give signs of piety, in any way, it is possible to drive the man of the ego in these dark corners of the great frustration that can be cured-it can only doctor the areas of psychology, and with the help of powerful drugs – stimulants erection.

Of course, as to restore the power that you should know and of the man himself. Not always a couple's relationship as perfect as we would like, and in place of support comes from the division and misunderstanding. This is the question to the competence of the doctors, sexologists, professional objective which is the establishment of love bonds. The male can improve their performance by observing the following simple rules:

  • To enter and respect the day.
  • To normalize the lifestyle.
  • Psychological problems
  • Always find time to relax.
  • To pay a lot of attention to the quiet, restful sleep.
  • To find a way to eliminate the nervous system to stressful experiences.

The recovery of potency in men

This is a very important process that requires a lot of patience and most men and his family. Without consultation, and the doctor-urologist to expect a positive result, the milestones in ingenuity. Only the correct diagnosis and treatment plan will lead to the restoration of the lost opportunities.

Home methods should not be overlooked, but are a therapeutic addition to the line. Decoctions, infusions, exercise, revise, and lifestyle changes play a very important role and can dramatically accelerate the healing as they say salvation is in the hands of those who are sinking.

A special place occupies the psychological situation at home. The partner must be patient, calm and friendly towards the man. Erection problems should be viewed as a temporary problem. At this time, you can focus on communication, spirituality, love.

Alternative medicine: use or not?

Analysis of alternative methods of treatment of problems with the potency should be guided by considerations of common sense. Doubtful mixture based on turpentine or gasoline, the fat, wild and stray animals, acupuncture, carried out by an Amateur in the books does not bring any benefit, but to add to the problems.

Another thing – the grass. Medicine recognizes that the treatment and recommended it. Herbal teas and infusions, mixtures rich in amino acids, vitamins, essential oils and other valuable health components. The proper and measured consumption to help overcome the disease. The plants have contraindications, as well as tablets. It is necessary to study them and compare it with the state of your health.

How to restore the potency of folk remedies

In addition to treatments to herbal, traditional medicine recommends not to forget the gifts of the animal world, the products of the bees:

  • the propolis;
  • honey and pollen;
  • the propolis;
  • beaver creek;
  • dyeing of horns of deer.

All these products rich in substances biologically active and can accelerate the treatment of impotence and restore parts. We should not ignore the bath, if there are no contraindications to its visit.

Aloe to the rescue!


Humanity has become accustomed to the medication and reluctantly going to experiment with "folk medicine", forgetting that most of the components in the new-fangled drugs, and in time established medicines extracted from the plants. But aloe is a wonderful plant from fairy tales and popular tool for improving the circulatory system, also influence the recovery of power. If it is not a clinical case, if you want to deal with the consequences of the disturbances in the cardiovascular system, you have to use the recipes of aloe. In addition, they are absolutely simple to manufacture.

Recipe No. 1:

Distributed because of the ease, will have a very General effect. The need for homegrown aloe, honey.

  1. 100 g of aloe fresh-cut – cleaning of the outer layer.
  2. 100 g of Honey mix thoroughly with a gel on the inside of the flower.
  3. Store in the refrigerator.
  4. Make every day a tablespoon in the morning before eating. Kinds of prevention is one month.
  5. Before repeating to make a break of two weeks.

Recipe No. 2:

Directly strengthens the walls of blood vessels and their capacity.

  1. Grind 30 grams of aloe.
  2. Add 150 grams of sugar.
  3. Pour part of half a teaspoon of grated St. John's wort.
  4. Pour 0.5 liters of juice of carrot.
  5. Add a teaspoon of thyme chopped.
  6. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka (or 250 grams of medicine alcohol pure) and to keep the composition within three days.
  7. Strain and pour into a glass bowl. Store in the refrigerator. No more than 50 grams twice a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe No. 3:

A tonic powerful to support the circulatory system.

  1. 100 grams aloe peel.
  2. Grate the ginger. Mix with aloe Vera 2 tbsp.
  3. Pour 100 grams of fresh lemon juice.
  4. Add two tablespoons of honey.
  5. To fill a mixture of 100 ml of red wine dry.
  6. All the funds and let stand in the refrigerator for seven days.
  7. Take a tablespoon an hour before meals for one month.

A healthy lifestyle

Today it is prestigious to run in the morning, eat clean and food in the steam bath, practice yoga, to bring to the bar. But it is also really beneficial for our body, why not take advantage of the situation and not be a trend?


Sports and Hobbies, as a means to counteract the stress

The sport is not a whim for the benefit of fashion, and effective method of dealing with impotence. Powerful stimulation of the circulatory system, strengthens the blood vessels and the heart, and the final stage of physical activity is accompanied by this release of hormones of pleasure, which is comparable to the euphoria of the intoxication. With a variety of sports is so big that everyone can choose for themselves a suitable allowable stress.

Swimming in this case, the best option to support the entire body in tone, but not the only one. Gymnastics, and even yoga, which for some reason is not received by the man in half, is able to normalize the condition of the body, and to eliminate the effects of stress anxiety. Improved the flow of blood to the cortex of the brain washes away the remains of the collapse of the hormones that inhibit the mental state and add the hormones of happiness, the dye and the reality of the environment more interesting, vivid colors.

In addition, the sport conforms to the order of the day. Sleep becomes more productive, and the time invested in training, it allows you to change the focus of attention, give the rest of the processes of thought.

That useful hobby?

You should not ignore the passion in any hobby. Whether it is fishing, or build models in miniature. Hobby is a niche in which people can feel the satisfaction of their achievements, even if things are not going well in other areas. The shift of attention is very important to recover from fatigue psychological, and gives a new, fresh solutions.

Foods that help to restore power

Clearly this list does not include burgers, smoked meats, sausages, fried cakes, and fat of the meats, pickles, cakes and sweets. Anything that contains excess fat, especially the sly, such as sausages, bakery creams, salt, spices, aromas has to leave the table as soon as possible.

The diet definitely should attend:

  • Cereals, pasta from hard wheat flour.
  • Bread;
  • Veal, lean pork, lamb, poultry;
  • The fish of the sea and the river seafood;
  • Cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and other dairy products without sugar and industrial fillers;
  • Eggs (chicken, quail);
  • Vegetables, fruits, nuts;
  • Nuts, honey, sunflower seeds;
  • Vegetables, herbs, and roots;

Good nutrition will help you to restore potency, as well as allow you to get rid of excess weight, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, fatigue, fill the body necessary for normal functioning of substances.

You to improve the power

In this period it is advisable to leave the coffee and the black tea, replacing them with green tea, red or herbal. Very useful in place of welding to pour in the pot:

  • theotokion herba,
  • Daisy,
  • lime,
  • mint,
  • Melissa
  • nettles
  • yarrow,
  • St. John's wort,
  • leaves of currant and raspberry, cherry, cherry,
  • mother and stepmother.

A mixture reduces the inflammation, exhaustion nervous, improve the quality of sleep, circulation, metabolism.

Exercises of power

A little trick you will be able to recover, strengthen and maintain the power regardless of the main choice of sport or hobby, good for daily training of the pubic-coccygeal muscles that positively affect:

  • The improvement of the blood supply of the penis.
  • Duration and control of the sexual act.
  • The reduction of the risk of disease of prostatitis.
  • Melissa
  • Decrease the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids.
  • Improve the blood circulation of the pelvis.
  • Boosting your libido.

In addition, the male organ will be more perpendicular to the body that will definitely please the female audience. This exercise is very simple, and the result depends on the daily exercise, so for your own sake, do not "work".


To restore the power in certain stages is possible without having to resort to costly procedures and medicines. If you pay attention to their health and to identify failures in power, then the home methods will bring good results and return the confidence and the joy of a proper sex. Often the power is in the hands of men and it should not be assumed that estimated sexual strength too early or too late.