How to increase the power at home

The problem of reducing the power is particularly acute. Once the erection becomes flaccid, the man begins to feel insecure, complex. What to do in such a ticklish situation? To make your own tablet — is not the best option. To go to the doctor do not always have time. In this article you will read faster how to increase the power to the home without risk to health.

The causes of the reduction of potency in men

What is the power of men

In principle, we will understand what is the power of men, and that of their constituents. Literally, it is defined as the ability of any action. In our case, is an indicator of male power, in a sense, the masculine and viability. It is defined as the ability of men to have a fulfilling intimate life, and to fulfil the reproductive function. Includes the following items:

  1. Erectile function is the ability to have sexual intercourse a stable erection.
  2. Libido – libido.
  3. The functionality of germ cells – the speed of movement of sperm, its quality and strength.
  4. The ability of orgasm and ejaculation.

The role of leadership in the maintenance of male power belongs to the testosterone - male hormone. The higher the level of the hormone in the blood, the greater the power.

The maximum concentration of testosterone in the blood is observed at the age of 27 to 30 years. This is the heyday of the sexual ability of men. After 30 years produces less testosterone, but this is not the fundamental reason for the decline of male power, there are others who consider it more.

The causes of the reduction of potency in men

The figure of male power depends on the following factors:

  1. Age. The age of a man is, the more health problems. Usually, the first signs of low male function observed after 40-45 years.
  2. A way of life. Imbalance of nutrition, excess exercise, overwork, lack of sleep, bad habits can significantly reduce the libido and virility.
  3. Disease. Different types of infections, reduced immunity, chronic illnesses affect the sexual performance of a young man, so that it is necessary to receive treatment and to undergo medical examinations preventive. Among the most dangerous diseases for male potency are:
    • urogenital diseases: urethritis, prostatitis;
    • violation of the circulation of blood (vasoconstriction violates the entry to the genitals);
    • neurological diseases (impairment of the conduction of impulses in the brain and to the genitals);
    • hormonal disorders;
    • mental disorders (neurosis, phobias);
    • injuries and birth defects of the genital organs development.
  4. The excess of weight. The formation of layers of fat leads to the replacement of testosterone to estrogen, which causes a decrease of the sexual function.
  5. The psychological Factors. This set of factors, in some cases, are the main causes of the decline of male power:
    • stress, depression;
    • the nervous tension;
    • the fears related to their sexual inadequacy;
    • the attitude towards women.

In other cases, sexual function can be affected overreliance on other activities – work, professional career. The Libido thus losing its relevance and fades away.

All these reasons for lower male power depend on age. If young men impotence associated with psychological factors (fear, suppression of the erotic fantasies and desires, the criticism of the partner), in men aged 40 years and older play a major role in the psychosomatic factors of disease, and the feelings of diseases and sexual failure.

How to increase the power at home

To improve the quality of sexual life is possible with the help of various drugs. As a general rule, the greater part of the funds refers to the sexual stimulants that speed up the circulation of the blood and blood flow to the genitals. That allow you to improve erection, prolong sexual intercourse, but does not increase the power. In addition, they have a lot of contraindications.

To go to the doctor do not dare to everyone, if only in the case of that "stuck", so you can find ways to increase the power with the help of phyto-therapeutic agents. Consider the most famous and effective methods.

Folk remedies for potency men of action quick

Folk remedies for potency

Not all methods of phyto-therapy is equally beneficial and safe. Replica on the net of folk remedies for potency is not only useless, but are a health hazard. In addition, you should always remember: the medicinal plants have a high allergenic potential, it is always possible immune response. Which means increase the power effective and free of risk?

  • Arc man's best friend. For the kitchen, it is recommended to take 3 bulbs of medium size. Raw grind until mushy state. You can do this to skip the onions through a meat grinder, or rubbed on a grater. Boil half liter of water. To give the liquid to cool. Now you have to fill the raw material of the mixture and leave for 3 hours. Single dose to half of the Cup. During the day remedy, taken three times before meals.
  • New. Really mythical for the treatment of impotence. Help to increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood suppresses inflammatory processes in the pelvic area (prostate also often leads to permanent erectile dysfunction). Do the nuts as possible just clearing the shell and cooked jam or broth. To prepare the broth take half a kilogram of walnuts without shell, pour 2 liters of cold water. Boil for 10 minutes. Then, herbal remedy drain, leave to cool. Take 3 tablespoons daily on an empty stomach.
  • Raisins and milk. 200 grams of raisins (preferably white), pour a half liters of milk. Boil the resulting tool. Then, during the day for 2-3 times to eat the raisins and drink the milk.
  • The carrot and celery. Routine of a medium carrot and celery 2 sticks until mushy state. The result of the mixture of food divided into 3 doses. Means anti-inflammatory and tonic.
  • Ginger. 100 or 200 grams. ground and brewed Cup of boiling water, drink as tea 3 to 5 times a day. A portion of the crushed root can be brewed 2-3 times and then make a new one.
  • Thyme is a natural stimulant of the production of sex cells and the release of the male hormone. To prepare you need to take 1 tablespoon. l'. flakes of dried plants and beer in a Cup of boiling water. Treatment: drink half a Cup after meals 2 times a day. Cast time – 3 to 6 months.
  • Catuaba – natural "viagra". Take 100 gr. plants pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours and drink directly before intercourse or of the night.
  • Lemongrass prevents erectile function. 4 tablespoons of seeds in dried pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 3 hours. Drink half a Cup 3 times a day for 10-14 days.
  • A real storehouse of nutrients is nettle. Nettle has a dual action: relieves inflammation and increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood. A recipe: take 200 grams of the root of a plant. Grind into a powder. Pour 300 ml of boiled water (hot). Leave for 2 hours. Then the cure strain. Take 2 tablespoons, 2 times a day.
  • In order for the result to become noticeable of the use of home remedies require patience and time (a few weeks). But if you want to get an erection quickly and permanently at this time? What to do in this case? To do this, scientists made a revolution in urology. Have been developed for ed medicines without a prescription based on natural ingredients that works to solve men's problems after the first dose, even after 60 years of hard will be guaranteed. The instant erection obtained. The decision should be taken today, tomorrow will be too late. Impotence is advancing very quickly.

Other herbs should be avoided, even at the doctor's surgery. The risk of further problems: without an objective of the study is impossible to say what was the cause of the reduction of the power. It is important to keep in mind: the recipes are only effective in the physiological impotence (when the reason is found in the defeat of the prostate or hormonal imbalance).

Exercises of power

Exercises of power house men

For the prevention and treatment of physiological impotence are fit to a set of exercises Kegel. Strictly speaking, this is not complex. We are talking about carrying out a similar exercise with different frequency and intensity. How to do these exercises:

  • Stand up straight. Relax the whole body. Struggling to stretch the muscles that surround the prostate. To make this first stage is not easy. To understand what the feeling should be and where is the specified structure anatomically, it is advisable to start to interrupt the process of urination (2-3 times). To stay in a high state for 3 seconds.
  • Now you'll need to relax. The rest duration is 2-3 seconds.
  • Exercises of increase of the power runs 10 times. During the day, you must do 3 groups.
  • As soon as the understanding of the techniques and get used to the load, it is necessary to strengthen the intensity of training, increasing the number of sets of 5.
  • Complex Kegel exercise every day for 2 weeks.

The therapeutic effect will be noticeable in 3-5 days.

Products for potency in men fast action

The masculine power, the ability to carry out a full sexual relationship is widely regarded as a sign of coherence, as a representative of the stronger sex. Even outside of disorders of libido and potency, are drugs such as Viagra and other. However, there is no sense to take drugs, when you can do so much more gentle and effective methods. This unpleasant situation will help you to products for potency in men fast action. Correction of the diet allows you to get a stable result.

Products to increase potency in men

Mainly of plant origin, products, can increase the potency of men at the moment are not expensive and anyone can afford them. We believe the most effective and easily accessible:

  1. The onion and the garlic. Contain beneficial sulfur compounds that can normalize the flow of blood, improve the safety of the penis with blood. Both onion and garlic contribute to the production of the male hormone, testosterone, improves libido.
  2. Avocado. Positive effect on the quality of the erection, the prevention of oxidative processes. The systematic use helps improve male power.
  3. New. The effect is not instant. For a few days.
  4. The oysters and mussels. The best fish and shellfish, enhancing erectile function and virility. They are powerful aphrodisiacs.
  5. Grenades. Normalizes microcirculation in the pelvic area. It is used to strengthen the blood vessels and enhance the power, better to use the system with other products.
  6. Chocolate, natural, dark. Medium fast action. Allows you to get an instant effect by stimulating the production of endorphins and serotonin. It also has properties which improve blood flow to the pelvis. And thanks to the presence of antioxidants able to quickly achieve high quality increase potency, prolong sexual intercourse.
  7. The products of the bees. Of honey, and ambrosia. Promote the synthesis of testosterone. Natural foods and products based on increasing the flow of blood, the filling of the penis with blood, the vitality and the stability of the erection.
  8. The quail eggs. Contain essential amino acids that are involved in the processes of recovery of the reproductive system. Suitable for the lifting of the libido and the potency.
  9. Citrus. Lemons, oranges. Normalize the blood flow, increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  10. The seeds of pumpkin.
Pomegranate juice

Drinks that increase virility

These include:

  • Pomegranate juice, citrus juice.
  • Whipped raw eggs (egg nog, sugar). Allows you to increase the firmness of erection and duration of sexual intercourse.
  • The juice of the grape.
  • Low-fat yogurt and milk.
  • The Mother.
  • Berry concoctions.

The list may not be complete. Products that affect the potency of men and drinks based on them, have several properties, on which rests the efficiency:

  • Ability to improve the blood flow to the pelvis, to dilate the blood vessels.
  • The ability to prevent the oxidation, and therefore, to prolong the erection.
  • The saturation of the body with the substances that stimulate the natural sexual desire. To increase the libido such compounds include serotonin, dopamine, endorphins.
  • The ability to restore the reproductive system and update it on a cellular level.

Food that improves potency, the need to take it regularly. It has become an integral part of the diet. But without frills.

What is harmful to eat and drink, for power

Harmful products:

  • The excess of sugar and salt.
  • Smoked.
  • The Alcohol. Above all, beer.
  • Fast food.
  • Semi-finished products, canned food.
  • Spicy food.
  • Fried food.
  • The soy bean.
  • Coffee.

Foods rich in cholesterol: purchase sauces, meats, greasy in most cases. Others consume in limited quantities. The eggs, butter and liver are not in the bill. They are harmless. These products have diametrically opposite properties. Affect the hormonal balance and the quality of the circulation of the blood in the pelvis. Diet to improve male strength you can pick your own based on the recommendations. Be able correction give much better results than the drugs.

Other recommendations

Physiological impotence eliminated quickly. It is important to follow a few guidelines:

  • To follow a strict diet. More plant foods, less meat and products of animal origin.
  • No Smoking. This causes atherosclerosis of the pelvis, blood vessels, interruption of the blood circulation in the genitals and the prostate.
  • At home it is recommended to perform light exercises. Exercise helps to normalize the hormonal balance. To be jealous it is not: excessive physical activity will produce the opposite effect.

To increase the power without visiting medical institutions is possible. The most important thing is to follow a systematic approach: lifestyle changes, use of herbal remedies, performing Kegel exercises. That is the "therapeutic triad", which will help you to quickly solve the problem.